
Botox for Men and Women: Is There a Difference?

a male patient receiving Botox injections
Apr 14 2022
Reading Time: 4 Minutes
Author: Patricia Pezzano

Botox has always been one of the top aesthetic treatments for women because it’s a quick way to counter wrinkles. But as more males embrace such procedures to feel good and look their best, med spas are seeing more gentlemen come through their doors.

In fact, Botox has become the most common male aesthetic procedure today. It’s so popular that it has even earned its own moniker—“Brotox.”

Not only are more men receiving the treatment, but they’re also being more open about it. There’s no shame in wanting to get Botox just because you’re a man!

But are there differences when this procedure is performed on men? How does it compare to Botox for women? Let’s dive into the details. 

a man receiving a Botox injection

The Difference Between Botox for Men and Botox for Women 

The principle of Botox is the same whether the patient is a man or a woman: to treat facial creases with botulinum toxin. The treatment areas are also often the same. However, there are still some key differences between the two:

Men Need a Higher Dose of Botox

On average, women need 30 to 50 units of Botox for standard upper-face treatment. Men, on the other hand, would need a higher dose—about 50 to 80 units—to achieve the same effect.
That’s because they have greater muscle mass than women.

Different Bone Structure

The injection technique of Botox for men is also different than for women because of their bone structures.

Men Have a Higher Hairline Than Women

Another anatomical concern is the difference between female and male hairlines. Men usually have a receding hairline compared to women, which means the approach and pattern of injection need to be slightly modified.

If this difference is not taken into account, there’s a risk of feminizing the face, removing the characters that make a male face look masculine, or achieving an unnatural result.

Different Trouble Spots

Men and women share the same facial parts, but they are bothered by different areas of the face. 

For example, most women want to have their “glabella” treated more than any other part of their face. Glabella, or “11s” as they are often called, are the two vertical lines between the eyebrows.

Men, on the other hand, pursue Botox to treat crow’s feet or the wrinkles at the outer corner of the eyes.


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Men Want Straight Brows, Women Want Arched Brows

There are also standard aesthetic differences taken into account between Botox for men and Botox for women. 

For instance, women usually want more arch in their brows; men don’t. They also have lower brows than women, so the technique used in administering Botox for men is different.

Unfortunately, unqualified injectors apply the same technique to every patient because they lack knowledge of how the forehead and brow muscles work together. A skilled injector, however, understands exactly where to inject to maintain a man’s brow shape and height.

What Are the Benefits of Botox?

There are other ways of treating fine lines and wrinkles and improving facial lines. But why Botox? Here are five reasons why most men choose Botox over other procedures:

Non-Surgical Procedure

Other procedures like a rhytidectomy or facelift can sometimes fix wrinkles. However, it requires a few weeks of recovery time.

Botox, on the other hand, is a procedure that doesn’t involve surgery or lasers. Therefore, it doesn’t have any downtime.

Quick and Easily Accessible

Botox is a quick procedure—around 20 minutes, sometimes less—performed in a doctor’s office and med spas. It doesn’t need anesthesia and is easily accessible to anyone who wants (and is qualified) to get the treatment.


Botox is an FDA-approved treatment that’s safe when performed by qualified and experienced medical professionals.

Long-Lasting Results

Although it takes a few days to see the full effects of Botox, the results usually last a few months (around three to four months).

Can Treat Chronic Migraines and Other Conditions

Botox injected into certain areas around the head and neck can also help reduce chronic migraines. It can also be used for pain management and treating excessive sweating, lazy eye, and cervical dystonia. 

Improves Self-Confidence

Just like in women, Botox can make men look younger and more refreshed, which can boost their self-confidence!

The Ideal Candidate for Botox

Who can get Botox injections? Who shouldn’t get it? Take a look at the list below to know if you’re qualified to get Botox injections or not:

  • At least 18 years old ;
  • Physically healthy;
  • No history of neuromuscular diseases such as myasthenia gravis or Eaton Lambert syndrome ;
  • Doesn’t have existing weakness in the targeted muscles;
  • No ptosis or drooping eyelids and
  • No skin disorders around the planned injection sites; 

It’s also important to note that Botox treatment is ideal for dynamic wrinkles (the ones you make when you contract your muscles) but it isn’t used as a treatment for sagging, so it’s best to discuss with your skincare professional if Botox is the best solution for your goals.


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Learn All About Botox for Men and Women From APT Injection Training

As previously mentioned, inexperienced injectors commonly use the same technique for every patient because they don’t know how the forehead and brow muscles work together. 

If you want to become a Botox injection specialist, let APT Injection Training be your guide. We offer Botox injection training courses that will teach you the proper techniques for administering Botox for men and women. 

Contact us or visit our website to know more about Botox and other courses.

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